How Small Business Digital Marketing Is Unique

Comparing small businesses with big businesses is like comparing bananas to buttered biscuits. They don't have many things in common. However, one common denominator is how the power of strategic digital marketing makes a huge impact on any online presence, whether big business or small. Done correctly, digital marketing for small business can yield remarkable results, catapulting a small business into a stratosphere of success that can potentially go head-to-toe with any big business competitor. One of the most painfully obvious differences between big and small businesses usually boils down to budget. Big businesses like Nike or Pepsi scarcely blink an eye while dropping hundreds of thousands of dollars into a digital marketing budget. Conversely, a small business owner might nervously hesitate when parting with just a hundred dollars on services to improve website ranking and sales. Luckily, SEO services for small businesses do not demand a fortune to render remarkable ...